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Ways to Get Back Into Routine after Holidays

Ways to Get Back Into Routine after Holidays

You could be spending your time in the lush Jacuzzi’s of Ritz-Carlton, strolling around in Paris like a true Parisian or exploring the streets of Rome, for all we care but you simply cannot hinge back on healthy living after Holidays. You need to snap out of your post-holiday reverie to tame your inhuman ways and tackle daily life like you would normally do. We know that bouncing back into the swing of things is not a one-day matter but if you start with the mantra “fresh day” to begin with every morning, trust us it can be a huge help to ease yourself into your agenda.


Stop Feeling Guilty




Now, you can’t take back what you did or put into your belly during the holiday months. So, just keeping a guilty conscious of your past practices won’t suffice, since, what’s done is done! You need to embrace a new start by focusing on preparing homemade food only or rather challenging yourself to make homemade food your priority for some time to catch up on all those “essential” nutrients you’ve been missing on.

As for leftover holiday food stuffed in your fridge, well, you can’t shut your eyes from them at once but you can utilize it in a healthier way. For example, if you have a half slice of pie, you can turn it into a full-course nutritious meal by adding high-fiber veggies and lean proteins like some remaining turkey to fill your stomach appropriately!


Get Cleansed




You might utter the phrase “Holidays are made for imbibing,” with a confident flip of your hair but dear your face might be the first thing to show it. Yes, even skin shows how many alcoholic and sugary drinks you’ve been slugging on and your face goes into a bloated, catatonic state. In order to get that sloth-like condition off you, you’ll need to get cleansed first. Try detoxifying your body by drinking water first thing in the morning. If plain water sounds too boring, add some slices of lemon to make the taste interesting. You can make your own concoction as well or try a leafy-green smoothie.


Perform Skincare



Recirculated air in planes, alcoholic drinks, fat-filled diet and sleep deprivation are some of the factors that promote bad skin and holidays involve all that, right? You need to get your head wrapped around in renewing your skin by drinking plenty of water, since, skin is the largest organ. Other than that, walk outside to get some fresh air, hit a gym to get your body worked up for good, moisturize as much as possible and follow a refreshing skincare regime. If we had been in your place, our focus would have been on lots of exfoliating and actively using sunscreens, face oils, serums and eye creams.






The end of the holiday season doesn’t imply looking back and swearing at the top of your lungs because of your blunders. Holidays turn you into a bundle of nerves and in order to keep pace with what feels normal – you’ll need to take a breather. Try getting a long, warm bath, listening to some revitalizing music and pampering yourself to your heart’s content – though, not as much as to have your boss thundering at your door, clearly wondering about your disappearance from work, lol.


Fulfill Your Sleep




With too much leisure and home-based distractions, your body goes into overdrive and it feels you’ve been through the wringer. Late-night movies, pensive minds, long discussions and gossiping in hushed whispers must have been the contributions to your hungover body and you’ll need to get the timer of your z’s to 8 hours complete to feel like moving again.


Our Message


We hope you enjoyed your holidays and are going to try some of our helpful advice. Our tips will definitely assist to clear your head from the frenzy of holidays and in order to learn more from us, subscribe to our newsletter for the latest reads.